Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rub a Dub Dub Taby's in the Tub!

Nothing make Taby happier than a dip in the tub. She hears the water running in the bathroom and comes cruising into the bathroom to squeal in delight! She loves being naked and hates getting dressed. The smile says it all!

Today I had a lot to do and didn't have time to sit in the bathroom to keep an eye on Taby in the tub, so she enjoyed her bath in the kitchen sink. I know how red neck can I be, but hey I got the floor vacuumed and had a happy baby girl in the process. I call that success! Yes, in this picture we are battling thrush, that's why she has a purple mouth. Gotta love that Gentian Violet!

I could stay in here for hours, and I don't even care if the water gets ice cold.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Everyday I thank my lucky stars for my little girls! When I got pregnant with Tabytha, I wanted a boy in the worst way! I cried all through the 20 week ultrasound after the technician said it looked like we would be having another little girl. After leaving the doctors office I continued to cry all through breakfast and the trip home. Looking back it makes me laugh at myself, and makes me feel a little bit ashamed that I was so emotional over something that now is one of my greatest blessings...LITTLE GIRLS!

I smile everyday that my girls have each other. I hope and pray that someday they will be great friends with each other, like I am with my sisters.

There is nothing like having a sister for a best friend, young or older.
Love you girls, and couldn't imagine having it any other way!

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010- A New Year

Good Bye to the old, Hello to the new!
It's a new year, and looking back on 2009 I can't wait to see the excitment 2010 holds in store for the Green Family.

Our family goal for this year is to read the entire Book of Mormon as a family. We have promised the kids a big surprise when we finish! So far so good we are well on our way.
Here's to the new year, and more to come.