Monday, May 18, 2009

Tabytha Doreen Green

The wait for Taby was long, hard, and at times down right miserable, but she finally arrived to our family on May 12, 2009, at 7:47 p.m. She was smaller than expected weighing in at 6 lbs 12 oz she was 19 inches long. She is a sweet little red headed little girl that stole Dad's heart in the first few moments of life. Mom is also wrapped around her little pinkie finger already too.

Having such an awful 9 months full of throwing-up, swollen hands and feet, high blood pressure...and .... everything else that pregnant women go through. We did everything you could imagine to get Taby here: Castor Oil, Pineapple, and all those other old wives tales. At my last doctor's appointment Dr. Leavitt must have felt pity on me and sent me to the hospital for observation since I was having contractions. Once at the hospital I begged my nurse not to send me home! She laughed and stated that Dr. Leavitt had three more babies to deliver that night so why not add one more. She said that instead of wasting time observing me for two hours she would start an I.V. and PIT, then call Dr. Leavitt and get permission. At this point a halo appeared on top of her head and she grew angel wings. She was defiantly heaven sent. The IV and PIT was started about 3 p.m. just as Jeremy arrived at the hospital.

The next few hours were spent looking through a baby name book, and making a list of possible names. Contractions got stronger but weren't too bad. About 6 p.m. they broke my water I was dilated 5 cm. WOW! Things changed fast and the pain soon became more than I wanted to feel. Epidural time. It took awhile for them to perform this small act, and by that time wasn't sure I could handle anymore pain. After the epidural I was 7 cm. After just two more contractions I felt a really odd sensation and told the nurse something was about to happen. She went to check my progress "Oh, My" this baby is right here. An urgent call was made to Dr. Leavitt, who was enjoying dinner at Artic Circle with his family, he made it to the hospital in four minutes. (AMAZING!!) With one contraction and two pushes Tabitha was in my arms. She never even cried. The whole experience went so fast it hardly seemed real. I am so grateful to now have four healthy little girls. Both Jeremy and I feel now that our little family is finally complete.


Lee and Roni Poston said...

yeah i am so happy you finally have a blog. Taby is so beautiful.

Lee and Roni Poston said...

Oh I want to add you to my blog I hope that is ok

Tiffany said...

Dawn I love these pictures of Tabytha! So adorable!

Anonymous said...

she is soooooo cute!!!!!!!!!