Friday, July 24, 2009

Good Ole 24th of July

Old traditions are the best, and the twenty-fourth of July is one of those traditions that as a kid and teenager was the highlight of the summer. As a kid the 24th of July actually started on the 23rd with the town dutch oven dinner and melodrama. Both Raini and I were part of the melodrama plays for 2 or 3 years. What fun memories. Then we would wake up the next morning and go to the Lion's Club Breakfast. Of course it was fun to see the town of Bancroft quadruple over night. It was always fun looking out for friends that had moved away or we hadn't seen all summer while we waited for the parade to start. After the parade came the foot races in the park, the DUP program, then the good old Bancroft Rodeo. Not to mention the youth dance that night. Many good memories... As I grow-up it is still fun to relive those good childhood memories, and share them with my family now. We don't take the kids to the breakfast (Grandpa makes the best breakfast around), DUP program(boring anyway), foot races, or famous rodeo. I hope my kids will have different fond memories of going to Grandma and Grandpa's for the 24th of July, of the parade two-way parade and the absurd amount of candy thrown. Thank Heavens for small town traditions.
The girls anxiously awaiting another shovel full of candy. Maggy waving trying to use her charm to get more candy one could ever imagine. Did I say the amount of candy they got was totally absurd!

1 comment:

sammie said...

I forgot about the "two way" parade!