Thursday, August 20, 2009

Finally . . . Back to School

I really do love my family and kids to pieces, BUT it was time for them to go back to school. I will not lie that I can't wait to put my feet up and enjoy more quiet times with the two smaller girls. Maggy will start preschool in a couple of weeks, and I'll be down to Tabytha.
Put my feet up...right!? Now it's time to catch-up from all the summer fun. Time to mop the floor and have it stay clean for at least a hour! Time to only wash dishes once a day! Time to do laundry! Time to go shopping without 4 crying, fighting girls that seemed to want everything. TIME, TIME, TIME. . . Man, is it TIME for them to come home it's kind of lonely!


Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said...

Ha ha! I love this picture of you Dawn! Glad you have more time on your hands, not that you're not supermom & actually need it!

Hayden Funny Farm said...

Hey take the time to apply a new coat of polish!!!

Dawn said...

already have Raini now I have TIME!

sammie said...

I was waiting for you to remark that you would now have time for your toes!

I think it school is a mothers bonus!