Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tabytha Sixth Months

Wow the last six months went super fast!! Taby's six months old, and has hit a few major miles stones this month for a baby.
I love my big sisters and laugh every time they talk to me. I can't wait for them to come home from school, and cry if they walk by
me without talking to me first.

I am a big girl sitting in my highchair and eating "real" food. Some of my favorites are pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and bananas. Although I still love my mommy the best!

I learned to sit up this month. I love sitting and seeing the world around me. I think it's a pretty cool trick! I love to play with toys and grab anything that I can reach!

Even though I look a lot like my sisters, my Mom thinks that I look like a Yost. She says that this picture proves it. I sure do have the Yost's chubby cheek syndrome.

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